
software migration
banking and finance
100 man-months.

Carrying out operations related to finance is often complex, especially in the banking sector, requiring high precision and adaptability to understand operations. We took on the challenging task of migrating a credit card application screening system that meets the exacting standards of the financial industry.



Carrying out operations related to finance is often complex, especially in the banking sector, requiring high precision and adaptability to understand operations. We took on the challenging task of migrating a credit card application screening system that meets the exacting standards of the financial industry.


software migration.
banking and finance
100 man-months.

Carrying out operations related to finance is often complex, especially in the banking sector, requiring high precision and adaptability to understand operations. We took on the challenging task of migrating a credit card application screening system that meets the exacting standards of the financial industry.

Project Overview


– Customer information verification software (KYC): Banking and finance related to customer information require high product quality and absolute confidentiality and security.

– Ability to learn new professions: Trusted by customers and sent 2 personnel to Japan for 3 months of professional training.

Overview: Carrying out operations related to finance is often complex, especially in the banking sector, requiring high precision and adaptability to understand operations. We took on the challenging task of migrating a credit card application screening system that meets the exacting standards of the financial industry.

Industry: Banking and Finance
Service: Software Migration
Country: Japan.
Technologies: VB6, Cobol, Pro*C
Scale: 100 man-months
Duration: 3 months.


01. High-quality requirements of the Finance industry: The banking and finance industry is famous for its strict regulations, complex working processes, and strict requirements for absolute accuracy. Any differences in the system could have far-reaching legal and financial implications.

02. Large project scale: The ambitious scale of the project, measuring 100 man-months and working within 6 months, made this challenge even more complicated. We needed to ensure a seamless transition over the timeline.


01. Specialized training in Japan: Recognizing the unique needs of the financial industry, we implemented a proactive solution. We sent two developers to Japan for an intensive 3-month training program. This course is intended to familiarize our team with banking and finance, providing them with an important understanding of the industry.

02. Thorough test case development: Armed with professional knowledge and understanding of the financial industry, we embarked on the process of meticulously building comprehensive test cases. These test cases ensure that the migration process not only maintains system accuracy but also maintains compliance with strict regulatory standards.

03. Applying test cases to the new language: The migration process included switching from a mix of technologies (VB6, C, .NET1.0) to a more modern framework (.NET4.0). This transition is done carefully to ensure that new technologies fit seamlessly with the needs of the financial sector.


01. Industry Expertise: In-depth training has provided our developers with an in-depth understanding of the complexities of the financial industry. This translates into a system that meets regulatory requirements while facilitating efficient workflow.

02. Seamless migration: Our meticulous test case development and technology migration ensured a seamless transition. The accuracy and reliability of the new system remain unaffected.

03. Standards compliance: The migration has successfully maintained the system’s compliance with industry standards and regulations, giving customers confidence that their operations will continue to comply.

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