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Successfully built an e-commerce website in the pharmaceutical industry

  TABLE OF CONTENTS Our project was to develop an e-commerce website for the sale [...]

Software Development to Enhance Productivity

  TABLE OF CONTENTS Luvina was trusted with developing software to enhance internal productivity for [...]

Luvina Saved a Stalled E-commerce Site Project for a World-class Automotive Company

  TABLE OF CONTENTS Our client is a world-class company that produces car parts, especially [...]

Enhancing Software Development and Testing for Aviation Firm

  TABLE OF CONTENTS Our client is a top technology solutions provider in the Japanese [...]

Develop and maintain the investment trust system of banks in Japan

  TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Highlights: Cobol language: 60-year-old programming language VB6, Cobol, Pro*C Finance [...]

Transforming CRM System Integration with Innovative Software Solution

  TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Highlights: Comprehensive software development: Luvina provides end-to-end services covering design [...]

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