In recent years, the “land of thousands of islands” has emerged as a top destination for IT outsourcing. Besides cost factors, IT outsourcing in Indonesia attracts foreign businesses due to advantages such as its strategic location, skilled professionals, and favorable government policies. To learn more about the benefits and challenges of IT outsourcing in Indonesia and discover the country’s top 5 most reliable partners, continue reading our article below.

The Prospects of IT Outsourcing in Indonesia

Indonesia is currently one of the fastest-growing and most stable economies in Southeast Asia. With favorable conditions in terms of policy, cost, and labor quality, the country is well-positioned to develop its IT outsourcing market. Here are some reasons why IT outsourcing Indonesia is a top choice for global businesses:

  • Strategic location: Located in a key geographic area in Southeast Asia, Indonesia can easily access major markets in the region such as Singapore, Thailand, and Malaysia. The country is also situated in one of the most dynamic economic zones in the world, providing numerous favorable conditions for companies to expand their business operations easily.
  • Abundant workforce: Another important factor that makes IT outsourcing Indonesia popular is the large pool of highly skilled IT professionals. Many universities in Indonesia offer IT-related courses, producing a significant number of well-trained IT graduates. Additionally, many students in this field are proficient in English, allowing them to easily communicate and work with foreign clients.
Indonesia offers many favorable conditions for expanding the IT outsourcing market
  • Low costs: The average salary of IT professionals in Indonesia is much lower compared to their counterparts in Europe or the US. As a result, businesses can save a lot of money on IT outsourcing in Indonesia without compromising on the quality of work.
  • Business-friendly policies: As an emerging economy, the Indonesian government strives to implement the most business-friendly policies to create numerous business opportunities and stimulate the economy. These incentives include tax benefits, simplified procedures for obtaining work permits and visas for foreign workers, and various investment policies for local companies.
  • Strong and stable economic growth: Indonesia is a member of the G20 and is experiencing economic growth at around 4.9%, even as the global economy is expected to slow down. In 2023, Indonesia’s inflation rate dropped to its lowest level. This strong yet stable economic growth creates a favorable environment for business activities, minimizing the risk of volatility.
  • Digital transformation: Indonesia’s developing economy is highly receptive to digital transformation, as evidenced by the growth of e-commerce and fintech. This is another factor making IT outsourcing Indonesia a top priority for foreign businesses.

Challenges of IT Outsourcing Indonesia

Besides the benefits, there are also several challenges that businesses will face when dealing with IT outsourcing in Indonesia. Some notable difficulties include:

  • Language barrier: Language is one of the biggest barriers to IT outsourcing Indonesia. Although many students and workers, especially in the IT sector, can speak and use English, cultural and language differences still pose certain difficulties. Specifically, while they may speak English well enough for basic communication, their proficiency might not be sufficient for performing specialized tasks.
IT outsourcing in Indonesia also presents quite a few challenges for businesses
  • Shortage of highly-level employees: Despite the increasing number of universities offering IT programs, Indonesia has been facing a shortage of highly educated workers for many years. A large number of Indonesian students and young people join the general workforce immediately after graduating from high school. Without a university education, this general workforce may not be able to meet the basic requirements of foreign employers.
  • Poor outsourcing skills: Due to the lack of highly specialized personnel capable of performing important technical tasks, IT outsourcing in Indonesia struggles to grow and expand.
  • Weak data security regulations: One of the biggest challenges of IT outsourcing in Indonesia is the lack of a strong legal framework for protecting personal data. This often leads to data being misused or cybercriminals easily accessing data across various digital platforms.

Top 5 IT outsourcing companies in Indonesia

The abundance of IT outsourcing companies is clear evidence that Indonesia’s IT outsourcing market is rapidly developing. Here are the top 5 IT outsourcing companies that businesses should consider in Indonesia.


Thrive is a company of IT outsourcing Jakarta, specializing in DevOps, advertising, data science, IT support, and more. Their services help businesses in Malaysia and globally to grow. Thrive operates IT outsourcing networks in major Indonesian cities including Jakarta, Jambi, and Yogyakarta.


LippoDigital is a subsidiary of the Lippo Group, specializing in media and information technology. In Indonesia, the company provides IT services including app development, infrastructure management, and digital transformation solutions.

Metropolitan Global Services (MGS)

MGS asserts itself as a leading IT company in Indonesia. This IT outsourcing Indonesia company is offering various services such as software development, information security, and infrastructure management.

Jasamedika Sarana Utama (JSU)

JSU is a rapidly growing IT outsourcing company in Indonesia, focusing on IT services for healthcare. Currently, JSU is a partner providing IT solutions to hospitals, clinics, and healthcare organizations in Indonesia.

Accenture Indonesia

Accenture is a global leader in consulting and technology services with a branch in Indonesia. They provide IT solutions across various sectors including finance, healthcare, and manufacturing, helping businesses enhance their competitiveness in the market.

How can Luvina help

Luvina, despite not having a headquarters in Indonesia, has over 20 years of experience providing IT outsourcing services globally, including for businesses in Indonesia. We employ more than 750 highly skilled IT professionals proficient in English and Japanese, capable of 24/7 support across time zones. 

Luvina has experience and skills to provide high-quality IT outsourcing services

Certified with ISO 9001 and CMMI Level 3, Luvina is committed to delivering high-quality services. With extensive experience across various industries and scales, Luvina offers innovative IT solutions tailored to meet diverse business needs. If you’re looking for an IT outsourcing company in Indonesia, consider contacting Luvina for state-of-the-art IT solutions.


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