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Prominent Offshore Development Center Destinations in the World

TABLE OF CONTENTS IT infrastructure plays a pivotal part in today’s commercial world. However, not [...]

Top Countries to Outsource Software Development for Startups

TABLE OF CONTENTS If you own a start-up and need to do IT projects, outsourcing [...]

Custom Software Development Outsourcing: Types and Ways to Find the Right Team Size

TABLE OF CONTENTS Determining the ideal team size for a custom software development outsourcing project [...]

5 Key Questions to Consider When Hiring an Offshore Software Development Company 

TABLE OF CONTENTS Due to the looming global economic crisis, organizations are seeking methods to [...]

Luvina Software’s Participation in Japan ICT Day 2023

ABOUT THE EVENT Luvina Software was honored to participate in Japan ICT Day 2023, with [...]

Luvina Software Joins Japan IT Week Autumn 2023

ABOUT THE EVENT Event Details  Dates:  October 25 (Wednesday) to October 27 (Friday), 2023. Time:  [...]

6 Essential Stages of Mobile App Development Services

TABLE OF CONTENTS Nowadays, developing mobile applications is no longer unfamiliar. Statistics say 42% of [...]

Best Framework Mobile to Choose: Native, Hybrid, and Cross-Platform

TABLE OF CONTENTS In this blog, we compare four frameworks mobile: Native, Hybrid, and Cross-Platform. [...]

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